New potato and radish salad

New potato season is finally upon us and this recipe showcases them in my favourite form – a potato salad – alongside radishes for a little peppery punch. I have to admit I never used to be a fan of radishes but I love them in this light and fresh take on a classic.
New potatoes are a good source of vitamins C, B1, B5, and B6, folate, copper and potassium. You can minimise the loss of nutrients through cooking by leaving their skins on. When you cook then cool potatoes you decrease their glycaemic response by increasing their resistant starch content. Resistant starch acts as a prebiotic and feeds beneficial bacteria in our guts, so this salad boasts multiple benefits.
Radishes are a member of the brassica family. They are good sources of vitamin C and contain small amounts of many other nutrients including a selection of B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, calcium, manganese, potassium, sodium, copper and phosphorous.

(Serves 4)
400g new potatoes
200g radishes
2 tbsp plain live yoghurt
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Zest ½ lemon
Handful fresh dill (finely sliced)
Handful fresh chives (finely sliced)
Pinch of black pepper
Optional extras: a little mustard, lemon juice, chilli any other herbs you like

• Wash the potatoes and cut into similarly sized chunks – leaving the skins on. Gently boil until tender, drain and set aside until cool.
• Rinse the radishes, top and tail. Then cut any large ones in half lengthways and into half rounds, and the rest just into even thickness rounds.
• Mix the yoghurt, extra virgin olive oil, lemon zest (and juice if you are using – the herbs, pepper and any additional extras that take your fancy.
• When cooled, put the potatoes in a big bowl with the radishes and coat in the yoghurt dressing. You can add extra dressing if you prefer more; personally I like it lightly coated.

Rebecca Vincent BSc (Hons) is a BANT registered nutritionist working in Wincanto (07515 019430;

by Rebecca Vincent

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