Shocking stats reveal 13% increase in pet neglect in Dorset

524 ANIMAL neglect incidents were reported in Dorset from January to September this year – and the RSPCA said the situation is likely to get worse over Christmas.

The charity said it has seen a 13% increase in reports this year compared to 2023.

The stats were revealed as part of the charity’s ‘Join the Christmas Rescue’ campaign designed to support frontline staff as they work to make the lives of neglected animals better across the county.

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Across the UK, the charity has seen almost a 25% increase in animal neglect reports this year, which a spokesperson said is likely to increase as people face financial hardships over the Christmas period and can be traced back to the rise in pet ownership throughout the Covid years.

RSPCA superintendent Jo Hirst said: “The large 25% increase in the number of pet neglect calls we are taking [across the UK] is a major concern during our busy winter period when many people are facing more financial difficulties, and we fear this upsetting trend will continue.

“One call every four minutes is a frightening statistic.

“Coupled with this, we have also seen a startling increase in abandonment cases, up 30% in just three years.

“Sadly, we expect the crisis to worsen as more people tend to struggle with increased costs around Christmas time with presents to buy and extra food shopping – along with energy bills.

“But we can make a difference, which is why we are asking the public to support our appeal, Join The Christmas Rescue, and help our rescuers, veterinary teams, branches and centre staff, who work tirelessly to give animals the urgent treatment and love that will save their lives.”

Ms Hirst added: “To help more neglected animals, we must work together to make it a happy Christmas for every kind.

“We’re calling on everyone who believes that no animal should be left to suffer this Christmas to donate to our appeal today.”

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