Inflation is on way back to basecamp

LIKE many, I’ve become transfixed by Everest-like graphs showing financial data and forecasts. The most reassuring is inflation which suggests we’re on the way back to basecamp in part because of fiscal tightening in the autumn statement. It’s unlikely that the budget next month will reverse the strategy or that unrealistic public sector pay claims will be met for the same reason – we must drive inflation down.

Beware selective financial data and dodgy predictions. I’ve seen some crackers over the past few months, some generated to validate particular world views, others to sustain media stories.
Turns out the disaster predicted by gloomsters and doomsters for the UK economy has so far not come to pass and that last year the UK recorded the fastest growth in the G7. Now, to be fair, if you select different timeframes any advantage is far less clear but that rather underscores the importance of handling data with care.

I’m pleased to say that my responsibilities as Minister for Defence Personnel, Veterans and Families includes the Gurkhas. It was a privilege to take part in the remarkable Attestation ceremony of the most recent batch of recruits in Pokhara, Nepal, earlier this month and to visit Royal Gurkha Rifles in Brunei. I also saw the great work of the Gurkha Welfare Trust in communities in Nepal including in providing earthquake-proof housing for veterans, healthcare and clean water. For over 200 years Gurkhas have served the Crown. Their courage and steadfastness have earned the public’s respect and affection. We continue to owe them a great deal.

Sadly, messages I get through social media have deteriorated overall over the years, part of a pattern of abuse contributing to some of my colleagues deciding to call it a day. Hate mail has caused some MPs to stop using social media entirely. Rather than delete my Twitter account entirely, which has 17,700 followers, my policy is to report threats, block the significantly abusive and mute SM notifications that are downright rude or just nasty. I do so reluctantly as non-abusive two-way conversation is part of what SM should be. So, trolls please save your time – your missives live on for anyone to find, anywhere, anytime. Except this target won’t be seeing them.

Indeed, my general advice to anyone is think carefully before pressing ‘send’. The web is a mine of open-source material for anyone who may in the future want to form a picture of the sender. Content usually says more about the author than the intended target.

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