A winning way with aubergines

I must admit I’m not really a fan of aubergines. They always look so pretty in the greengrocers, so I buy them and give them a go, but over the years I’ve struggled to find aubergine-based dishes I like. This dish, however, with them paired alongside mushrooms, has really helped me enjoy them recently. I hope you like it too!
Aubergines are a member of the nightshade family and come in lots of different colours, including purple, green, orange, yellow, and variegated.
Each is a great source of vitamins B1 and B6, potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, folic acid and dietary fibre. The classic purple variety I’ve used for this recipe contains high levels of a beneficial polyphenol antioxidant from the anthocyanin family, nasunin, which is responsible for its colour.
Mushrooms contain vitamins B1, B3, B3, and B6, copper and selenium. They also contain vitamin D, and their levels can be boosted by leaving them in the sun before cooking. Mushrooms also act as prebiotics and help to feed the good bacteria in our guts.

Aubergine and mushroom stir-fry
(Serves 4)
1 medium aubergine (diced)
2 large portobello mushrooms (or 4 medium) (diced)
1 clove of garlic (finely grated)
½ thumb-sized piece of ginger (finely grated)
½ tsp chilli flakes (or to taste)
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp soy sauce
2 spring onions spring onions (finely sliced)
Optional extras: chicken or tofu, sesame seeds
Heat a wok or large frying pan on a medium heat.
When the pan is hot, add the oil, garlic, ginger and chilli, and stir fry for a couple of minutes.
Add the aubergine, stirring well and continue to fry for a couple of minutes before adding the mushrooms.
Once the vegetables are tender – but not too soft – add the soy sauce and spring onions for the last minute or so – you can add them earlier if you like your spring onions cooked through, but this way they retain a little freshness.
Lovely served with brown rice and sesame seeds to garnish!
n Rebecca Vincent BSc (Hons); BANT-registered nutritionist; 07515 019430; wwwrebecca

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