The Sherborne Historic Vehicle Rally is back on Sunday, the 28th August. The popular event, organised by the Rotary Club of Sherborne Castles, will be held at the Sherborne School Courts and will have fifteen classes for veteran, vintage, classic pre-1970s cars, pre-1970s light commercial vehicles and pre-1980 motorcycles and three-wheelers, not forgetting the popular class for modern thoroughbreds post 1970 and the most suitably dressed vehicle occupants! The Sherborne Town Band will perform at the event while the judging takes place, and for the visiting public, there will be competitions and the opportunity to choose the winner of two classes.
The HVR is one of few events on the classic calendar which involves a road run followed by a static display with concours judging. It is held at the beautiful Sherborne School Courts by kind permission of the Headmaster of Sherborne School. More than £50000 has been raised for charities supported by the Rotary Club of Sherborne Castles through previous HVR events.
The organisers are most grateful to the Sponsors of this year’s event: Broadpeak Car Storage, Brotherwood Vehicle Specialists, Greenslade Taylor Hunt and Hunts Food Group.
Those wishing to still enter vehicles can download entry forms on the event website – for details, see Completed forms should be returned to the HVR Event Secretary, C/o 16, Gainsborough Drive, Sherborne, DT9 6DR. For visitors to the event on the 28th of August, the School Courts will be open from 2pm until 5pm; it really will be a lovely opportunity to see a superb display of much loved historic vehicles while supporting this year’s chosen charity, The Friends of Yeatman Hospital.
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