“Polite, courteous and thoughtful” Sherborne pupils praised after school inspection

“THIS is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it”.

So runs the basis for the vision at Sherborne Abbey Primary School.

And staff, pupils and parents can be glad indeed after the school was praised after a recent inspection.

The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) report said “the Christian vision inspires adults and pupils to seize the daily opportunities that are provided” and the “way that the Christian vision has been refreshed ensures it meaningfully addresses the needs of the school community”.

It goes on to say pupils “are polite, courteous and thoughtful” and that “the recent change in language from behaviour to relationships, reflects the importance of positive interactions in the school”.

Sherborne Abbey Primary is part of Sherborne Area Schools’ Trust (SAST), which was also praised by inspectors.

They said: “The vision of the trust and school closely align, generating a powerful shared drive to ensure adults and pupils thrive.

“Leaders embrace the training opportunities offered by SAST and the diocese, and work with determination to develop the school as a church school.”

It went on: “As a practical outworking of the vision, the school acts as a community hub. It hosts meetings with social care, health and education as well as providing a community supermarket and foodbank.

“Through these effective partnerships between the school and local providers, pupils and families can access additional assistance when required.”

Staff were also praised, with the inspectors saying: “Teamwork in the school is strong and staff feel valued and valuable.

“They are given the opportunity to grow in their roles through professional development and training. Reflecting the Christian vision and the value of compassion, all members of the school community are treated well.”

Executive headteacher, Ian Bartle, said: “Sherborne Abbey Primary School is incredibly proud of our Christian School status and upholding our values, which are very dear to us all.

“It is through the amazing work of our dedicated staff team, relationships with our supportive parents and carers, links with our Trust, and our wonderful children, that we could make this happen.”

Sarah Willoughby, who leads SAST’s Church Schools Flourishing Programme, said: “This SIAMS report pays testament to the hard work and dedication of not only the school’s leadership team, but also the entire school community who have come together and proudly shared what makes a strong church school.”

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I am the editor in chief of Blackmore Vale media, which includes the New Blackmore Vale, New Stour & Avon, Salisbury & Avon Gazette and the Purbeck Gazette, having been a reporter for some 20 years. In my spare time, I am a festival lover, with a particular focus on Glastonbury. I live in Somerset with my wife and two children.