Plot thickens in allotments move bid

Allotment holders in Blandford are unanimous in their opposition to the proposal to relocate their plots as part of the Wyatt Homes’ development proposal north and east of Blandford in their outline application P-OUT-2020- 00026.

Chairman Ian Ricketts said: “It is only 20 years since we were moved from the previous site to Lamperds Field and at that time we were told we would never have to be moved again. A number of plot holders remember that move and the hard work, time and expense it took to get their plots up to full production.”

“The site we have been offered is to be sandwiched between the new recycling plant and a sports field so we will have rodents and unpleasant smells on one side and balls coming over damaging plants and breaking greenhouses on the other. The access to the site will be via the road that leads to the new school, resulting in difficulties at drop-off and pickup times and making access to the site almost impossible.”

Initial illustrative plans for the development produced for Savills in 2016 indicated that the allotments would be relocated to one side of the new access road rather than at the end of it.

He said that he had been told by the National Allotment Society that provided they were offered like-for-like in replacement, there was nothing that could be done to prevent the loss of the existing plots.

“But they really need to reconsider their plan. They have never had any discussions with us about it and we have only ever discussed things with the town council.”

In response to their concerns expressed at the time of a community consultation by Wyatts, the developers consistently replied that many would be addressed at the detailed application stage.

Allotment Society representatives listened to town councillors when they discussed, at their planning committee in March, whether allotment holders could have exclusive use of part of the car park between the plots and the sports field, what the sports field might be used for, and who would be responsible for the new access road leading to them both.

Councillors agreed they were matters to be discussed at their next meeting with Wyatts and stressed that negotiations were at a very early stage, but that the town council would retain control of the allotments.

They agreed unanimously that a section of parking alongside the proposed allotment building should be kept apart with fencing and a lockable gate, to include an area, as currently exists, for the tractor, deliveries and council compound, and the community pitch – too small for a full-sized pitch – should be made available for a variety of casual uses.

They also agreed to request that the access road alongside the school leading to the allotments should be adopted and maintained by Dorset Council.

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