PLANS have been submitted to build 67 houses on the edge of a Dorset village.
Wyatt Homes submitted a full planning application for two parcels of land at Back Lane and North Street in Bere Regis – both of which have been allocated in the Bere Regis neighbourhood plan.
Wyatt Homes was selected by land owner Charborough Estate as the preferred developer after the two sites went on the market in 2022, with Wyatt Homes hosting a public consultation event to hear residents’ views on the plans.
The plans would see 52 homes built on land at Back Lane and 15 houses at land at North Street with 20 affordable homes at Back Lane and six at North Street.
Most of the houses would be three bed and two bed, with the inclusion of some one and two bed apartments.
A new vehicular access to the Back Lane site is proposed via West Street in the form of a new give‐way junction. Vehicular access will be achieved to the North Street Site via a give way junction directly on to North Street.
158 car parking spaces are included in the plans, along with a suitable alternative natural greenspace (SANG) which would provide a recreational open space for residents.
The proposed SANG would include walking routes, wildlife meadows and areas of woodland.
One resident who commented on the plans has pointed to the lack of infrastructure in the village.
They said: “Very simply there is not the infrastructure in the village to support this many new homes.
“There is not enough shops. Only one school and a small doctors surgery and this amount of new homes would put a severe strain on this service.
“This development would also affect the landscape that surrounds the village and environment.
“Bere Regis is a village that has embarked on a extensive project of re wilding and building on green spaces around the village is not in keeping with this.”
The application reads: “The proposed dwellings would make efficient use of allocated sites and would be located in a sustainable location, supporting the local economy, as confirmed previously by Dorset Council.
“The proposal would benefit the economy through construction and additional footfall of future occupants which would support the local economy through their expenditure.”
It added: “The proposed SANG would provide easily accessible open space green space, whilst public access would be gained from a various different type of users, therefore would deliver a valuable community resource contributing towards the health and wellbeing of the local and wider community.”
To view the plans, log on to and search planning reference P/FUL/2024/05032.
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