Handy tips to cut down on food waste

Reduce your food waste, help combat climate change and save money!

At a time when we’re all trying to play our part in tackling climate change, there’s one easy action we can take – and it will also save us money! The edible food we throw away contributes to climate change. We are wasting not only the food but the valuable resources that have gone into creating it too – from fertilisers and water that was used for growing it, to the greenhouse gases created from its production and transportation.

Here are some handy tips on how to reduce your food waste:

Get your portions right – It’s very easy to cook too much pasta and rice. Obviously appetites differ, but a quarter of a standard mug of uncooked rice or two generous handfuls of uncooked pasta per person are a good rule of thumb when estimating quantities required.

Store food correctly – Food lasts longer if stored in the right places. Bread is best stored in its original packaging in a cupboard or in a bread bin, not the fridge. Potatoes should be kept in a breathable bag/sack (not plastic packaging) and stored in a cool, dark place.

Get the best use out of Fridge/Freezer – Setting your fridge down to 5 degrees will keep food fresher for longer. Freezing what you won’t eat is like pressing the pause button. All kinds of foods can be frozen, right up to the “use-by” date, including milk and bread.

For more hints and tips visit

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