Gillingham youngsters enjoy a gentle introduction to ‘big school’

YOUNG people had the chance to air and ease any fears or anxiety before moving to ‘big school’ during two days of activity in Gillingham.

Final year pupils from primary schools were invited to take part in a range of activities organised by the wellbeing team at Gillingham Medical Practice, as part of the Moving Up! project, with funding from the Dorset Council Local Alliance Group.

The events, run on two days, aimed to support children moving from primary to secondary school with their mental health and with any fears and anxieties, showing the school in a fun and relaxed way, as well as meeting other year 6 leavers.

A total of 76 children attended, choosing workshops throughout each day – Lego, drama, art, tag rugby and circus skills, all run by experienced providers.

Lego and spinners were on hand for young people to enjoy

Lego and spinners were on hand for young people to enjoy

There was also a chillout room for young people who needed some space at any point during the day with a variety of calming activities on offer.

Karen Johnson, social prescriber for young people and families at Gillingham Medical Practice, said: “The young people’s response to this event has been amazing and it has been lovely to see them all enjoying themselves.

“We have received a lot of really positive feedback from parents, and from the children themselves, as well as everyone involved in the days.”

Each child was given a goodie bag to take home at the end of the day and lunch was provided by the Filling Station, in Station Road, Gillingham.

Helpers came from various local organisations, and other services were also involved in the days.

Depending on funding, another event is planned next summer to provide next primary school leavers with a similar experience.

Karen added: “It was a great two days – lots of hard work, lots of preparation and nail-biting moments in the run up – but lots and lots of fun.”

Anyone who would like to request help or support from the Wellbeing Team at Gillingham Medical Practice, who is registered at the surgery, can call 01747 834337, or email

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I am the editor in chief of Blackmore Vale media, which includes the New Blackmore Vale, New Stour & Avon, Salisbury & Avon Gazette and the Purbeck Gazette, having been a reporter for some 20 years. In my spare time, I am a festival lover, with a particular focus on Glastonbury. I live in Somerset with my wife and two children.