This tough year has shown us all at our best

May I begin by wishing all my North Dorset constituents as happy, peaceful and safe a Christmas as possible and every good wish for a Happy New Year (2021 really cannot be as bad as 2020 surely?).

As I write the covid vaccine has begun its roll-out across the country providing the first bright sparks of hope after the most depressing of years. It is very easy for us to be gloomy about life at the moment but the vaccine really is the start of humanity’s fight back against this killer of a virus. Let us not forget that here are families and friends around North Dorset this Christmas time who will be mourning the absence of loved ones snatched by covid and I remember them in my thoughts and prayers.

Covid has presented an unprecedented challenge to our country and I believe that we have seen some of the best of us as a result. The spirit of community and volunteering found new expression as distant neighbour became helping friend. Our schools demonstrated their commitment to equip our young with the best life skills possible and supported learners both virtually and, post September, actually.

Our magnificent NHS workers have shown the best of their vocation and professionalism. They are exhausted and we must not forget the strain they are under having to witness so many deaths this year. We should also note with relief how well the Department of Work & Pensions have performed. Universal Credit and other welfare supports have withstood a massive increase in demand. I was certainly worried that the system, which had never come under an actual stress test, might not have the resilience required.

It did and, as a result families across the country have had a strong and reliable safety net. As a longstanding One Nation Conservative who uses the NHS, is the product of and uses state schools and who served in local government for a dozen years, I have never needed to be instructed as to the value and purpose of our public services. If anyone was then 2020 has provided the Masterclass of all Masterclasses.

In our personal lives travel and other necessary lifestyle restrictions have made us, I believe, value in a new and better way things which we had long taken for granted. We have also grown to appreciate what is around us and on our doorsteps: our communities, public servants, local businesses and the beauties of North Dorset. Businesses have been strongly supported by Government interventions and I am sure that will allow many, if not most, to survive. So, to those who have delivered services, supported people and kept us running THANK YOU. From my family to yours, may we wish all a Happy Christmas.

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