The three Rs: Refresh, reduce, replace

WE all need to save energy. No question. It used to be called Doing Our Bit. There is a fine line we have found between offering guidance on what we can do to save energy and offending people by being patronising. In the absence of a central government campaign, the core advice put out by Dorset Council covers the ground well enough.

There is still the need, though, to find the motivation to fill the gap between knowing what you should do and actually doing it. Good old Inertia! Back in the day at work, we had an expression to address this problem: Just – for example, bloomin’ – Do It. Insert your own preferred expletive. In looking to find a more user-friendly way, we are adopting a different mnemonic: three Rs – Refresh, Reduce, Replace.
Refresh: make sure you have essential maintenance done; take the insulation and draught-proofing measures you can afford. Also, dust off how you do things. For example, meeting and eating with friends more often to make heating and cooking go further.
Reduce: mostly pretty obvious measures about thermostats and temperature settings but also getting into the routine of switching off unnecessary lights, equipment etc. I have moved where I work from upstairs to downstairs, so we don’t have to keep the whole house warm. My first approach – typing with gloves on – was a failure.
Replace: slow cooker for oven, stove-top for oven, microwave the vegetables, shower for bath, LED for carbon filament bulbs and so on.

The other problem beyond finding the motivation is being accused of being a little Hitler. Indeed. Staying positive and cheerful is the better route and much more Lib Dem.
I am disappointed, though, with the emerging tone of our new Prime Minister. There is, for example, the simple, straight-forward, ineluctable, cast-iron fact that this crew have been running the shop since 2010. Thus, the effects of further austerity and general belt-tightening of already cash-strapped services, local and national, will be a function of their 12-year performance. Thus, the disgraceful and chaotic position with immigration is their fault alone.

They also wholly own the likely deferral/diminution of improvements to Social Care.
The glib and slightly smug stance of the PM at the Despatch Box is out of place. It would be good to have a bit of statesmanship, a due humility, an inclusive approach. I am reminded of the Gen Z philosophy student who says to her professor: “I don’t want to know what Aristotle thought, I want to know how he felt.” Emotion replacing logic and judgement? No. There lies the path to chaos. Instead, let’s refresh the system, reduce the defensiveness and replace the aggressive rhetoric. Let’s get a proper plan in place. One we can all get behind.

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