Alice Miller BVSC DBR MRCVS,
Friars Moor Livestock Health.
One of the highlights of the farming calendar for many is show season. I love an agricultural show. I always have. When I was at school, aspiring to be a vet, I worked at the nearest dairy farm to gain work experience, which happened to milk 450 water buffalo. They were fascinating animals – many had come from Romania where they were trained to pull carts and as a result were very docile. They used to give yields on a par to goats rather than the high-yielding dairy cows I am used to dealing with today, but the butter fat content was high, and so the milk, ice cream and mozzarella they produced was delicious. I started to attend shows with the buffalo, and it was always great to introduce people to these unusual animals, while promoting good dairy products.
Of course, one of the other greatest reasons to go to the shows is a chance to catch up with friends and clients. Plans are well under way at the practice for attendance at the upcoming Gillingham and Shaftesbury Show. As always, the team have been working hard, with huge thanks to Izzie and Georgia who have been co-ordinating everything, to make sure our day runs smoothly. You will be able to find our hospitality tent at the end of avenue D between the main ring and the cattle judging rings. We have plenty of complimentary merchandise and refreshments available as well as our traditional barbecue which will be fired up for lunchtime. We are looking forward to welcoming clients, old and new, and it will also be the perfect opportunity for you to meet some of our newest team members, too.
For those who have kids who are interested in farming and perhaps are considering a career in Veterinary, we will also be in the food and farming area, on our education stand. We will be doing the same at Dorset County Show in its ‘Fabulous Food and Farming’ tent, too. We always have a lot of fun chatting to the next generation of young vets and farmers, about what we do to treat livestock and how to start exploring different career options they may be interested in. Kids are encouraged to have a go at delivering a calf or lamb using our simulators – they can also learn how to administer first aid and bandage an animal or learn how to use a stethoscope and even listen to their own heartbeat. We look forward to welcoming many of you along and answering any questions your children may have.
It was fantastic to attend The New Forest Show a few weeks ago and see many of our clients and even colleagues having successful days in the show rings. Our very own Rhianne won Supreme champion with her handsome Welsh Black Mountain ram, ‘Cowboy’! We wish every success to our clients who will be entering show classes with their livestock in the upcoming shows, too. Many hours go into pre-show preparation and we hope it pays off for you all.
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