A PILOT scheme to collect ‘soft’ plastics – including bags and wrapping – will be rolled out to selected households in Frome next month.
Somerset Council was successful in bidding to be part of a small-scale trial scheme following the success of expanded Recycle More collections in the county.
The ‘FlexCollect’ trial of kerbside collection of soft plastics will be available to around 3,600 homes across two locations in Frome, starting near the end of May.
Those able to participate will receive information in the post shortly. No other householders, in Frome or elsewhere in the county, can participate or request to take part.
The pilot collections will see a range of plastic bags and wrapping – including carrier bags, bread bags, confectionary wrappers, crisp packets, food wrapping and cling film – picked up as part of the usual weekly recycling collections.
The items will need to be put out for collection in plastic sacks provided to participating households and depending on how the trials progress, it is expected that they will be expanded to more Somerset homes next year.
Councillor Sarah Dyke, lead member for environment and climate change, said: “This is an exciting project to be part of and it will be welcomed by many. Our recycling rate has never been higher, but Somerset wants to do more which is why we made sure we are involved at this early stage.
“We think there will be a lot of enthusiasm for this, but it is important to understand that this is small scale trial. Only those who are written to directly will be able to take part.
“If you do not receive information in the post, you must continue to recycle as normal and not put plastic bags and wrapping out for collection because it will not be picked-up.”
Everyone able to participate in the trail will be written to twice before any change.
Somerset’s recycling rate has currently risen to its highest rate ever, at 56.2%, and it is hoped further items being collected will raise the total further.
At present, the only way to recycle plastic bags and wrapping is at supermarket front of store collection points.
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