
Love the great outdoors? Whether you’re fishing, camping or riding, see the latest news, stories events and deals from across the region.

Your countryside: It’s a case of looking after it or risk losing it

By AJ Selby. In 1942 the War Office commissioned Bradford artist Frank Newbould to produce 11 posters to help rally…

Under the weather – but the animals just don’t look after themselves…

By Tria Stebbing. The bugs finally got us. Having avoided Covid-19, flu and seasonal bugs, we were finally caught Christmas…

Why sheep are a little like people

By Tria Stebbing. In little over a week, we have seen the field change from late autumn to winter. The…

Canada geese make their home every year on island in the pond

By Tria Stebbing. The pond at the field is now well overdue a clean. The once clean clear water is…

Time for a cold winter walk and the new season seed catalogues…

By A J Selby ‘To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold.’ Aristotle As…

Time is of the essence for hedge work

By Tria Stebbing. The field remains beautiful, with autumn colours now a kaleidoscope of orange hues. The Ash has dropped…

King had all the moves with the girls

By Tria Stebbing. The parched brown field now seems a distant memory as the grass is growing very fast. The…

Step into the last days of autumn – there’s still nature to see…

By A J Selby The summer sun is fading as the year grows old, and darker days are drawing near Justin…

Time to maintain hedgerow havens

by Tria Stebbing. With the sheep happily grazing, it is time to turn our attention to the security and maintenance…

Look out girls, Humphrey the Ram is warming up!

by Tria Stebbing. The time is running away with us and the evenings are drawing in. Nature is providing us…