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Dementia-friendly children

PUPILS at St Mary’s the Virgin Primary School, Gillingham, receive a Dementia Friendly Community award for their school. Anne Kings…

Back in time for 150th anniversary

CHILDREN at St Nicholas Primary School in Henstridge got all dressed up in Victorian costume to mark the school’s…

Hanford triumphs at show jumping

PUPILS from across the year groups at Hanford School, Child Okeford, took part in the National Schools Equestrian Association…

School praised in Ofsted’s report

A BLANDFORD school has been praised for having a ‘caring ethos’. Ofsted inspectors visited Milldown CofE Academy in October and…

Celebrity artist’s visit

THE Gryphon School in Sherborne has been delighted to host a visit from celebrity painter Adebanji Alade. Adebanji (right) is…

Fairplay the watchword at tag rugby tournament

PUPILS from across North Dorset took part in a tag rugby tournament hosted at Sherborne Primary School. Teams of Year…

Lesson in the role of young carers

Pupils at Hanford School, Child Okeford, have been visited by the fabulous team from MYTIME Young Carers, a Dorset-based…

School’s water project

A rural community in a drought-prone area of southern India now has access to a reliable and sustainable supply…

Rotary reaches out to school pupils

Shaftesbury Rotary Club has launched its first RotaKids Club at a special assembly at Abbey Primary School. Head teacher Michael…

School pupils’ artwork remembers the Queen

Pupils at Hanford School, Child Okeford, have been celebrating the life of the late Queen Elizabeth II. A special commemorative…