A303 crash involving motorhome and concrete mixer sees drivers delayed

DRIVERS on the A303 near Mere are facing delays after a crash this afternoon.

The incident, believed to have happened at around 4pm, saw the eastbound carriageway of the route brought to a standstill.

It is understood to have involved around five vehicles, including a motorhome and a cement mixer lorry.

Drivers faced long delays before traffic was allowed to pass the scene as emergency services cleaned up the incident and investigated the cause of the crash.

Congestion is expected to ease in the coming hours.

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I am the editor in chief of Blackmore Vale media, which includes the New Blackmore Vale, New Stour & Avon, Salisbury & Avon Gazette and the Purbeck Gazette, having been a reporter for some 20 years. In my spare time, I am a festival lover, with a particular focus on Glastonbury. I live in Somerset with my wife and two children.